
In your investigation, you will not be completely alone.
You can count on a member of the Gretenfield family to help you complete your escape game. After all, you are at home here. Normal to go to presentations.

Before going any further, just be aware that the first mentions of the Gretenfield family date back to the 12th century, during the time of the Crusades. Subsequently, if we lose their traces a little, certain rumors, confirmed by the updating of secret archives, show that the family has always maintained privileged links with the representatives of the power in place. The latter were even able to count on the exceptional dispositions of this unique family for certain delicate missions or investigations. We don’t know much more.

If it’s only generation after generation, they inhabit this strange mansion and could be of great help to you as you play.
But enough talk.
It’s time to get to know each other.

The Gretenfields

Le père Henry Gretenfield
La mère Nora Gretenfield
La fille Louise Gretenfield
Le fils Léonard Gretenfield
Le benjamin Inès Gretenfield
La benjamine Gabriel Gretenfield

What to
expect at
Get Out?

Here, going through the door means accepting the unexpected, the thrill … and above all, it is entering into a real adventure!
Locked in a room, you and your team will only have 60 minutes to conduct the investigation, find the clues, decipher the codes, use the objects around you to progress in your quest and above all solve the riddle that will allow you to escape. A real team game that will test your group’s cohesion, but where everyone will have a role to play in moving forward. So who will prove to be an outstanding investigator? Who will know how to open the eye? Will your team be able to unravel the mysteries and thwart the pitfalls? And most importantly, will you get out on time?

How is it
once inside?

You will quickly understand that going back is much easier than going out!

Behind each door is in fact a room. A real setting, where you and your team will be able to evolve. From the start, in this space, a (in) quest is entrusted to you. To solve it, you will have no other choice but to mobilize your gifts of observation, concentration and deduction … all in stress and breathless suspense. Because don’t forget: you only have 60 minutes to unravel all the mysteries, puzzles and secrets that come your way. But rest assured in your adventure, you will not be completely alone. Outside, a member of the Gretenfield family will be your master of the game and may help you … or not! We have already told you: this family is a bit “special”.

So, ready
for the

Venez par ici choisir votre enquête

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Code.EN. RIII R.04

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Des codes cachés sont présents sur le site Get Out. Si vous parvenez à les démasquer, ils vous permettront d’accéder à des contenus inédits qui ne sont pas accessibles à tous. Saurez-vous les retrouver ? Bonne chance !

Code.ENTR.04 Code.ENTR.04

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